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The Booster Club

One of the challenges of any organization is to let people know who you are and to get them involved in what you do.  The Unity Point Booster Club is no exception.  Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Who can be members of the Booster Club?
Parents, teachers, grandparents, school administrators and community members can join the Booster Club.

How do I join?
Complete and return the membership form with your dues to the school office.  Click below for membership forms.

What does the Booster Club do?
The mission of the Booster Club is to promote school spirit, as well as support and enhance extra curricular activities in art, music and athletics.  Some of the Club's activities include sponsoring awards receptions for fine arts and athletics, fundraising, purchasing supplies requested by activity sponsors, and organizing school spirit events.

My child is not old enough to participate in extra curricular activities why should I join?
The Booster Club is not only concerned with supporting these programs but also in helping to build programs for the future.

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Unity Point Community Consolidated School District 140



(618) 529-4154
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